
Michael Marten's blog

Islamic State and the ‘theology of rape’

The New York Times published a horrific story by Rukmini Callimachi on 13.

Throwing sand in the works

We have to resist: we have to throw sand in the works But more generally, now is not the time for despair.

My part in the Jockalypse

I’m dangerous, and I know it: I’ve just voted. And not for one of The Approved Parties.

'Recognising' Palestine: gestures and solutions

Both the Guardian and the Telegraph have this week carried articles urging the House of Commons to “recognise” Palestine when it debates the issue on Monday 13th October 2014. It is possible the motion will be successful. While I support it, I do so in a qualified way. Why only in a qualified way?

The Prime Minister wants to preserve Christendom, not dissident Christianity

My response to the debate about Christianity now raging across sections of the media is this: No, Britain is not a 'Christian country', but it is a country marked by the history and institutions of Christendom.

Christianity, Beauvoir and the cultivation of female genius

Eighty people came to Glasgow University Chapel for the launch of two important new books on religion on 21 November 2012.

New site for the Critical Religion Association

Today we are pleased to have launched the new Critical Religion Association and website (http://criticalreligion.org) - a new site, with many pages imported from a site hosted by the University of Stirling. That site still exists (http://www.criticalreligion.stir.ac.uk/), and is now exclusively about the Critical Religion Research Group (CRRG) based at Stirling. So why this new site?

A week with Professor Naomi Goldenberg

At the end of last month, the Critical Religion Research Group at the University of Stirling, with which Ekklesia works in partnership, hosted Professor Naomi Goldenberg from the University of Ottawa.

'Critical Religion' conference on postgraduate research

Critical Religion - a new research venture at the University of Stirling, with which Ekklesia will be cooperating - is hosting a one-day postgraduate recruitment conference to attract students interested in research at Master’s and PhD level.