
Symon Hill's blog

David Cameron talks about faith, Easter, churches and poverty

David Cameron has spoken this week of his Christian faith and has gone on to make claims at Easter about a 'Christian country'. His sincerity has been widely questioned on Twitter, but it's not for me to judge him. God can see into Cameron's heart but I can't. However, the Prime Minister and I have very different understandings of Christianity.

Archbishop Welby, homophobia and the lives that are at risk

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has declared that acceptance of same-sex marriage could lead to Christians being killed in South Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan and elsewhere.

In his comments, Welby made some valid points. But the conclusions he drew from them seem to me to be severely mistaken.

Farage still scaremongering about same-sex marriage

During his recent debates with Nick Clegg, UKIP leader Nigel Farage found time to make a baseless prediction about same-sex marriage and religion.

Opponents of equal marriage resort to repugnant tactics

It must be unusual to find that somebody objects so much to your wedding that he has travelled half way around the world to do a series of media interviews criticising it. All the more so if you don't know him and possibly have never heard of him.

The faith of Tony Benn

When my radio alarm clock woke me yesterday morning, I was unsurprised but deeply saddened to hear of the death of Tony Benn.

Why is a Christian school promoting an arms company?

The arms company BAE Systems, along with the Royal Air Force, has run a 'science roadshow' for pupils at a Christian school in central London. The school is a few minutes' walk from where I live.

British racist group backed by Egyptian embassy official

A press officer at the Egyptian embassy in London has tweeted – with approval – a link to the website of Britain First, a violent, racist group that split from the British National Party (BNP).

Resist Atos - national day of demonstrations

At the Conservative Party conference in 2011, David Cameron told a lie in his speech. This is not a claim I make lightly.

If we stopped one arms deal, it was worth it

“Superglue protesters avoid jail” declared a headline on ITN this week. As one of the protesters in question, I’m pleased to report that we didn’t only avoid jail. We were acquitted.

Not Guilty: Waiting for my trial next week

There are many things I have done in my life of which I am ashamed. I am guilty of failing to love my neighbour on numerous occasions. There are many sins for which I seek forgiveness from God and others.