
Fairtrade T-shirts - where to get fairtrade t shirts

By staff writers
February 14, 2007

You can make a passion statement as well as a fashion statement with stylish fairtrade T-Shirts .

The fairtrade T-Shirts are available from the ethical superstore. They stock pretty much the first organic, fairtrade t-shirts to carry the official FAIRTRADE label, which guarantees a better deal for "third world" producers.

They are all certified fairtrade and 100% organic cotton.

Agrocel is the name of the organisation in India that supplies the cotton in their T-shirts. Agrocel visits cotton farms weekly to get to know each farmer in its service area - over 1,500 strong.

When it buys cotton from the farmers to make teh fairtrade t shirts, it pays them an 8% premium. If there are no immediate buyers for the cotton, Agrocel stores the cotton in its cotton bank at its cost until it is sold. Agrocel also arranges for the organic certification of the cotton on behalf of the individual farmers.

The fairtrade t-shirts are available in a range of colours, and available quickly and easily online. You just specify the colour of the fairtrade t-shirt when ordering.

A share of the proceeds from the sale of each fairtrade t-shirt - 7.5% of the net sales price - is also used to support Traidcraft's important development work in India.

(If you would like to make an additional donation to Traidcraft Exchange, you can also do so at the same time as ordering your fairtrade t-shirt.

To find out more about fairtrade t-shirts and how to buy fairtrade t-shirts visit Zero-Point-Zero the ethical, fairtrade superstore here

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