The Church of Scotland has expressed concern that two major UK supermarket chains are reported to be considering changing the way they label Fairtrade produce.
The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has approved an apology to gay people for the history of discrimination they have faced in the Church. Commissioners also approved a report which could pave the way to allow some ministers to conduct same sex marriages in the future.
A former Moderator of the Church of Scotland General Assembly has said the scale of homelessness in Scotland continues to be a “stain” on the nation’s character and consciousness.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland have come together through the Joint Public Issues Team to produce a briefing, which seeks to look at some of the issues facing voters in a nonpartisan way, through the lens of a shared Christian faith.
This year the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will be asked to reverse centuries of hostility to the ancient practice of pilgrimage and to affirm its place within the life of the church.