
church of scotland

  • April 5, 2017

    From tomorrow,, the Government's flagship benefit, Universal Credit, will not offer help to the third or subsequent children in a family. This fundamentally changes the benefit system so that it "deliberately ignores" the needs of some of the UK's more vulnerable children, say leaders of four UK churches.

  • March 25, 2017

    Five UK Churches have issued a statement to support and encourage those meeting in New York to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons.  They have also expressed their shared disappointment that the UK Government has refused to take part in these talks, despite its longstanding international commitments to work towards a nuclear weapon free world.

  • March 23, 2017

    In readiness for the impending trigger of Article 50, four of the UK's largest Christian Churches, representing three quarters of a million members, are inviting their congregations to take part in discussions across the UK to explore what kind of society we should be seeking to create.

  • March 14, 2017

    The Church of Scotland has responded to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement she will ask for permission to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence between the autumn of 2018 and the spring of 2019.

  • February 11, 2017

    In a joint letter to the Home Secretary, leaders and representatives of five Churches have expressed their concern at the Government’s announcement that it intends to suspend the programme for the safe re-settlement of unaccompanied minors seeking refuge in the United Kingdom.

  • February 3, 2017

    The Church of Scotland is encouraging MSPs to consider a £5 a week increase in Child Benefit as part of the Scottish Budget, which wasdebated in the Scottish Parliament yesterday.

  • December 13, 2016

    The Rt Rev Dr Russell Barr, Moderator of the Church of Scotland, has praised Glasgow City Mission, saying the charity is an example of good practice in serving homeless people. And he called for a “collective endeavour that involves everyone working together”, to end the problem.

  • December 2, 2016

    This Christmas time, a new Nativity video is imagining the welcome Mary and Joseph would receive if they arrived in the UK seeking asylum. As children across the country participate in their own retelling of the Christmas story, the video uses child actors to play the holy couple negotiating the harsh realities facing those seeking refuge on our shores.

  • November 23, 2016

    Ahead of the Autumn Statement today, Church leaders are calling for the chancellor to not allow higher than expected inflation to further erode the value of benefits.

  • November 4, 2016

    Government statistics on the Benefit Cap released on 3 November 2016 have revealed that over a quarter of a million children have been affected by the Cap since it was introduced in April 2013. Additionally, the majority of families affected were accepted as not being able to work due to illness, disability or caring responsibilities.