
Adopt a bear - how to adopt a bear as a gift

By staff writers
November 5, 2007

To sponsor a bear with Care for the Wild International click here.

Dancing bears are a familiar sight in parts of the world such a Bulgaria, Greece and India. It is estimated that bears in thousands are involved or forced to dance for public entertainment.

Although the public enjoy watching the dancing bears they do not realize the pain and suffering these poor bears have to endure in order to make money for their unscrupulous owners. The owners of these dancing bears often poach the bear cubs from their wild environment, taking them away from their mothers, sometimes killing the mother in the process. But you can help them by adopting a bear that has been rescued.

At the age of around 4 months the bear cubs are made to stand on hot embers while music is played, the bears instinctively stand on their hind feet and shuffle back and forth in an effort to reduce the severe pain they feel. The bears learn to associate the music with the pain and eventually perform movements to the music automatically, creating the impression of dancing. The bears are controlled by a chain on a metal ring which has been inserted though their nose and lips, the chain is jerked to cause the bear pain and keep control. Often the bear`s teeth are smashed out in order to prevent them defending themselves.

Care for the Wild International is an animal welfare and conservation charity which helps these bears. They protect wildlife throughout the world from cruelty and exploitation. By funding practical projects they make areas safe for bears, rehabilitate sick or injured bears and provide sanctuary for those who cannot return to the wild.

When you help by adopting a bear you will receive an adopt-a-bear pack including a personalised adoption certificate with a picture of your chosen bear, an exclusive Care for the Wild International teddy bear, a bear fact sheet, packed with information and an
update on your bear`s progress after six months of adoption.

To find out more about adopting a bear visit the Thanks Darling web site

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