
Adopt a rhino - how to adopt a rhino as a gift

By staff writers
November 5, 2007

Find out more and adopt a rhino here

The rhinoceros or rhino is one of the world`s most magnificent creatures with its almost Prehistoric appearance. Sadly the five species of rhino are also among the group of animals most threatened with extinction (endangered) - but you can help them by adopting a rhino.

The name "rhino" conjures up the image of a prehistoric beast, a huge creature with skin of armour. This image is not surprising, since these intelligent and affectionate creatures have inhabited the Earth for 60 million years.

The rhino may be the source of the belief in unicorns, legendary animals whose horn was said to be a panacea for all types of ailments. The value of rhino horn made it enormously profitable to poach rhinos and sell them on the black market.

WWF runs an adoption programme for orphaned black rhinos. Rescued orphans are brought to the sanctuary in Nairobi national park. The little rhinos receive special care, carers act as surrogate mothers bottle feeding them, taking them out in the bush every day and tucking them in at night.

You can adopt one of these rhinos. In return you will receive an adopt a Rhino Pack incluyding a personalised adoption certificate with a colour picture of your Rhino, a video or DVD of your Rhino and her friends, recently filmed in Kenya. You will also get an update on your rhino`s progress after six months of adoption.

WWF is an animal welfare and conservation charity. It protects wildlife such as rhinos throughout the world from cruelty and exploitation. By funding practical projects it makes areas safe for wildlife, rehabilitates sick or injured animals such as rhinos and provides sanctuary for those who cannot return to the wild.

To find out more about adopting a rhino visit WWF

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