
Adopt an elephant - how to adopt an elephant

By staff writers
November 5, 2007

To sponsor an elephant through the WWF click here.

To sponsor an Elephant with the Aspinall Foundation click here.

Adopting an animal such as an elephant has never been easier, and it can now be done quickly and easily online as a gift, or just for yourself, through both the Aspinall Foundation and WWF.

Icholta was abandoned when she become stuck in the mud of a drying water hole. Her mother could not free her and eventually had to leave Icholta behind. Thankfully she was rescued and taken into expert care at a sanctuary in Nairobi, Kenya.

She was moved to Tsavo East National Park to begin the long process of rehabilitation back into the wild. She is a friendly elephant who has always been a favourite with the keepers.

You can adopt an elephant like Icholta, and in return you will get a unique Adopt an Elephant gift including a video or DVD following the orphan elephants on their daily life, narrated by Michaela Strachan. You will also get a personalised certificate with a colour picture of the elephant, an elephant fact sheet, an update after six months and a copy of WWF News, a bi-annual newsletter packed with wildlife facts and interviews with individuals working in the frontline of conservation.

The elephant adoption is arranged through WWF, an animal welfare and conservation charity. It protects wildlife throughout the world from cruelty and exploitation. By funding practical projects it makes areas safe for wildlife, rehabilitate sick or injured animals and provide sanctuary for those who cannot return to the wild.

Click here to find out more about adopting an elephant through the Aspinall Foundation

Alternatively, you can adopt or sponsor an elephant through
the WWF

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