
Give computer classes to children in the developing world

By staff writers
November 5, 2007

Many children want to be computer whizzes, and you can help them through Christian Aid.

Schemes like that of Christian Aid’s partner AMO-Congo (A Better Future for Orphans) give them a chance to do just that.

It has helped children like Beni, whose parents died from HIV-related illnesses. Through AMO, Beni attended computer literacy classes and found work in an office services bureau.

Beni stays with his aunt. While he has a room, his brother and sister sleep in a ditch without a roof over their heads. With the money he makes, Beni intends to pay rent on a house for them all to live in.

Gifts like this help people build skills so that they have the prospect of a more secure future.

To help make a difference, find out more about this work and give a charity gift, visit the Present Aid website. It's run by Christian Aid, which works around the globe through local organisations to deliver direct, practical benefits and campaigns to challenge the causes of poverty.

Click here to visit Christian Aid's Present Aid site and find out more

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