
Teenager sends Christmas presents to Africa

By staff writers
November 7, 2007

You can send charity christmas presents through World Vision by clicking here

A 16 year old from Oxfordshire gave up all his presents last Christmas, getting friends and relatives to send gifts to Africa through charity World Vision.

click here for world vision giftsKieran Ford of Bloxham, near Banbury in Oxfordshire, more than doubled his original target of £800, raising a grand total of £1,671 for gifts for people in the developing world.

He did it through World Vision's Great Gifts web site, which allows you to send gifts on someone else's behalf for Christmas.

The money purchased both of his targets from World Vision Alternative Gifts - a children's playground and a tube well...plus a toilet block, a goat, some birth certificates for new babies, and lots of chickens!

"A huge thank you to everyone who supported me", says Kieran. "I was amazed by everyone's generosity, not just friends and families but complete strangers too. Banbury is a very generous place in which to live. I hope that by sharing my enthusiasm for alternative gift catalogues this Christmas others will be encouraged to add an Alternative Gift to their Christmas lists for 2007

Fiona Cole, PR Manager for World Vision commented, "We were both delighted and encouraged to hear of Kieran's 'no presents, no poverty' campaign and greatly appreciate his tremendous efforts in raising such a fantastic sum of money for World Vision, which will benefit a number of the communities in which we work worldwide. Alternative Gifts have become very popular in recent years, but for Kieran to give up receiving any Christmas presents in order to benefit others in greater need is a truly wonderful and admirable act."

You can find out more about buying someone in the developing world a gift through World Vision by clicking here

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