
Lifestyle - All

Ekklesia is not just a think-tank, but also a 'do-tank.' Here you can find a range of ideas on how to make your lifestyle greener, shop ethically, live more simply or take action on a range of justice and environmental issues.
15 Feb 2010

Give it up for CAFOD

On 26 February CAFOD will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Family Fast Day, now called Lent Fast Day. _________________________________________
13 Jan 2010

Energy Trust to bring power to the people

A new Trust that will bring power to the people by supporting community-owned renewable energy projects across Cumbria is being proposed. _________________________________________
11 Jan 2010

Students persuade Tesco to double commitment to fairtrade school uniforms

A school student campaign for fairer schoolwear has led to supermarket chain Tesco doubling the number of Fairtrade cotton school uniforms they stock. _________________________________________
9 Jan 2010

RSPCA launches animal welfare hotline

The RSPCA and NFU (National Farmers Union) are joining forces to help farmers and their animals caught in the snow, ice and sub-zero temperatures that have brought parts of the country to its knees. _________________________________________
19 Dec 2009

Anger and frustration at Copenhagen talks collapse

China has been accused by campaigners, analysts and heads of state of being the chief culprit in scuppering an effective deal to tackle global warming at the Copenhagen summit. _________________________________________
14 Dec 2009

Bookmaker takes bets on impact of climate change on polar bears

Ireland’s largest bookmaker Paddy Power are taking bets on the estimated global polar bear population on 31 December 2011 according to the world's largest independent conservation organization, the WWF. _________________________________________
11 Dec 2009

Help prevent HIV and hunger this Christmas

Halima Salim lives in the Masasi district in Mtwara region, Tanzania. When diagnosed as being HIV positive, she was still mourning the death of her husband and her baby twins. _________________________________________
19 Nov 2009

The best of the bogs - celebrating World Toilet Day

It’s international toilet day, so we thought it only appropriate to compile a list of the best of the bogs. _________________________________________
14 Nov 2009

NGO addresses education deficit for women in India

A non-profit development agency in India, Astha, is running education camps for young women who have missed out on their time in school. _________________________________________
12 Nov 2009

Top 10 World Vision must have charity gifts

This Christmas you can get innovative and think outside the traditional (gift) box with an alternative festive gift from leading international development charity World Vision. _________________________________________