12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in South Africa
Although there has been a lot of progress in South Africa in recent years income distribution in the country is among the most unequal in the world. To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in South Africa, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone has been devastated by over ten years of civil war which displaced more than half the population, and created enormous economic and social problems. Since the elections held in 2000, the situation has been slowly returning to normal, but much of the infrastructure remains damaged. To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Sierra Leone, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Senegal
Senegal is one of the frequently drought-stricken Sahel countries. One of its greatest problems is migration from rural areas to the urban centres and their resultant growth, coupled with unemployment. To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Senegal, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Niger
Only 14 percent of Niger’s people are functionally literate, a significant factor in the poverty that is so prevalent. Educational opportunities are limited for many boys and girls. Without good schooling, it will be extremely difficult for these children to break free from the cycle of poverty. To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Niger, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Mozambique
In 1992, 16 years of civil war came to an end in Mozambique during which time more than one million people were killed, 1.7 million fled to neighbouring countries and over 4 million were internally displaced.To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Mozambique, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Malawi
Malawi is one of the ten poorest countries in the world. More than a third of the population of Malawi are illiterate and life expectancy is around 47 years. To find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Malawi, visit the World Vision sponsor a child website
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Kenya
Rapid population growth and the disproportionate distribution of income have worsened social problems in Kenya. Find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Kenya here
12 Jan 2008
Sponsor a child in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a beautiful and historic country in “The Horn” of eastern Africa, but low world prices and recurrent droughts have contributed to Ethiopia remaining one of the poorest countries in the world, prone to famine and food shortages. Find out more about child sponsorship, and sponsor a child in Ethiopia here
10 Dec 2007
Recycled cardboard toys for children
There are now a wide range of recycled carboard toys available to children - great for birthdays, Christmas, or just for playtime! Green and eco-friendly, they are also educational and stimulate your child's development. All the children's recycled cardboard toys are available from the Ethical Superstore
10 Dec 2007
Government's position on lightbulbs thrown into doubt
The UK government's position on energy inefficient lightbulbs was thrown into doubt today after its Irish counterpart announced legislation to introduce mandatory efficiency standards for light bulbs which will see them banned by the beginning of 2009.