
Lifestyle - All

Ekklesia is not just a think-tank, but also a 'do-tank.' Here you can find a range of ideas on how to make your lifestyle greener, shop ethically, live more simply or take action on a range of justice and environmental issues.
10 Dec 2007

Solar powered children's gifts and toys

There's now a selection of educational children's gifts and toys, that are green and eco-friendly, as well as fun. Solar powered children's gifts come in kits but also pre-assembled and are great as birthday or Christmas gifts. Here are some of the best solar powered children's gifts and toys we have found all available from the Ethical Superstore. _________________________________________
7 Dec 2007

Help someone to see with the gift of sight

If you are stuck for an idea for your nearest and dearest this Christmas but want to buy something more satisfying than a pair of Santa socks, then the charity Sightsavers International is giving the chance to impress a loved one no end, and make a miracle happen by assisting somebody in the developing world to see again. _________________________________________
7 Dec 2007

Fairtrade women's tops - fairtrade women's clothing

There are now a great range of fairtrade clothes including fairtrade women's tops to choose from. Fairtrade women's clothing and tops are now available in several high street shops. _________________________________________
6 Dec 2007

Animal gifts - give an animal as a gift

In recent years there has been a trend to give animal gifts such as pigs, llamas, alpaca's, goats, sheep, cows and even worms to the developing world. Others have pioneered animal gifts which enable you to adopt or sponsor an animal such as a monkey, bear, dolphin or donkey. _________________________________________
26 Nov 2007

Cheapest energy saving lightbulbs anywhere - guaranteed

The cheapest energy saving lighbulbs anywhere - guaranteed Click here to see the range of energy saving light bulbs in Dixon's ‘green shop’. _________________________________________
25 Nov 2007

Recycle your mobile phone - how to recycle your mobile

Getting a new mobile phone this Christmas? Then why not recycle your old mobile phone and get paid up to £150 for doing it? _________________________________________
21 Nov 2007

New range of charity gifts for Christmas from Oxfam

Click here to visit Oxfam's charity gifts web site _________________________________________
20 Nov 2007

Dixons Greenshop - energy saving electrical products

Dixons has become the first electrical e-tailer to launch a dedicated Green Shop. Click here to visit Dixons ‘green shop’. _________________________________________
16 Nov 2007

Adopt an elephant - a guide to adopting an elephant

Through the WWF you can adopt an elephant quickly and easily online as a gift. Click here to find out more and adopt an elephant _________________________________________
16 Nov 2007

Adopt a Tiger - how to adopt or sponsor a tiger

Tigers are shy and elusive, and maintain a relatively fixed home range. There are just 123 tigers left in Nepal, and so it is vital that as much as possible is done to protect these beautiful creatures. Adopt a Tiger here _________________________________________