
Lifestyle - All

Ekklesia is not just a think-tank, but also a 'do-tank.' Here you can find a range of ideas on how to make your lifestyle greener, shop ethically, live more simply or take action on a range of justice and environmental issues.
4 Nov 2007

Fairtrade chocolate advent calendar

If you want a fairtrade chocolate advent calendar, then look no further than the Divine Milk Chocolate Advent Calendar. You can buy a whole range of fairtrade chocolate, including the fairtrade chocolate advent calendar here _________________________________________
4 Nov 2007

Archbishop says only buy fairtrade chocolate

The Archbishop of York has called for a boycott of all chocolate that is not certified as Fairtrade, reports the Times newspaper. You can buy a whole range of fairtrade chocolate, and fairtrade chocolate gifts at the Ethical Superstore here _________________________________________
28 Sep 2007

Buy an Eco Media Player

The Eco Media Player is what we have all been waiting for. In fact, the Eco Media player beats most gadgets hands down! _________________________________________
3 May 2007

Go dolphin watching - a weekend away with dolphins

If you want to watch dolphins with that little bit extra, then why not combine it with a weekend away too? _________________________________________
3 May 2007

Save an acre of rainforest - how to save the rainforest as a gift

Why not give the world a gift (and a friend) and save an acre of rainforest of their behalf! Find out how to save an acre of rainforest here _________________________________________
3 May 2007

Buy a composter - where to get a composter

Get a composter for your kitchen or garden. You can find a range of composters by clicking here _________________________________________
3 May 2007

Change your energy supplier

Changing your electricity supplier is proving to be one of the best ways of saving money, but also doing your bit for the environment. Click here to find out how to do it _________________________________________
31 Mar 2007

Luxury fairtrade easter eggs

If you are looking for luxury fairtrade Easter Eggs, that our also organic and gluten free, then try the Natural Collection. Click here to find out more _________________________________________
23 Mar 2007

Fairtrade Easter eggs

Where to find fairtrade chocolate and fairtrade chocolate Easter gifts and Easter eggs. Click here to find out more _________________________________________
23 Mar 2007

Send a duck - a quacking idea for Easter

Christian Aid has come up with an eggs-ellent idea this Christmas through their Present Aid scheme, which means you can sponsor a duck. Click here to visit the site _________________________________________