
The Simon Barrow Column

Reflecting on how Christian political imagination can help change society's agenda. Follow Simon on Twitter here: www.twitter.com/simonbarrow

  • 12 Nov 2014

    In his 2014 book 'The Great and Holy War: How World War I changed religion forever' author and academic Philip Jenkins paints a picture of faith, and especially Christian faith, mired in blood. Is there a way out after Christendom?

  • 17 Oct 2014

    Can Nicola Sturgeon, as new leader of the SNP and Scotland's First Minister, inject some fresh energy and spirit into politics at Holyrood, and honour the desire for transformational change that came out of the referendum? Simon Barrow looks at her outlook and style as she steps further into the limelight.

  • 25 Apr 2014

    Roughly 420,000 English-born people will have a vote in Scotland’s independence referendum later this year, because they live and work here. Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow. Here he gives a personal account of his shift towards supporting a "Yes" vote – but on the firm basis of solidarity, not separation.

  • 23 Apr 2014

    Seven years ago this week, Ekklesia first published a report entitled 'When the Saints Go Marching Out: Redefining St George for a new era'. Simon Barrow shows how an old story re-told can also help us re-understand the rightful impact of the Gospel in the contemporary era, beyond imperial religion and politics.

  • 18 Apr 2014

    The Rev Jim Cotter died early in Holy Week. Jim was known to many thousands of people through his books, articles, personal struggles, ministry, public speaking and spiritual direction over the years. Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow remembers him with gratitude, highlighting the connection between his life and that of one of his spiritual and wordsmithing mentors, the great Welsh poet R. S. Thomas.

  • 19 Mar 2014

    The contested details of the latest proposals from the UK Chancellor are only partly illustrative of the momentous economic challenge that lies behind and beyond the Budget, says Simon Barrow. Right now the entire system based at Westminster is failing adequately to comprehend and address, let alone tackle, the really big issues in which economics is a major factor.

  • 11 Feb 2014

    Pioneering Lutheran theologian, anti-Nazi resister, educator, ecumenist, poet, pastor and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born on 4 February 1906. Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow introduces an important new book which challenges the myth of his abandonment of peacemaking and recovers his call to the way of Christ.

  • 14 Jan 2014

    The arrival of Ann Pettifor's latest book, 'Just Money: How society can break the despotic power of finance' is an important publishing moment, says Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow. It unmasks the false ideologies of austerity and neoliberalism.

  • 13 Jan 2014

    A new book from Christian Fuchs, 'Social Media: A Critical Introduction', discusses the relationship between social media and power structures in contemporary society. Simon Barrow examines the issues.

  • 16 Dec 2013

    The government’s Transparency in Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning, and Trade Union Administration Bill – described in the Financial Times as “one of the worst pieces of legislation put before the Houses of Parliament for many moons” – enters Committee stage in parliament on 16 and 18 December 2013, and goes to Report stage on 13 and 15 January 2014. Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow explains what is wrong with this dangerous piece of legislation and how it can be, and is being, challenged.

  • 1 Nov 2013

    The tenth assembly of the World Council of Churches, like many ecumenical gatherings, is facing strong opposition and criticism from fundamentalist-style Christian groups, notes Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow. The answer this is not to adopt the mindset and rejectionism of our opponents, but to engage with with difference and “otherness” however difficult and challenging that might be.

  • 31 Aug 2013

    Within hours of publication, the Obama administration's documentation on Syria has been criticised for its lack of verifiable detail.

  • 27 Aug 2013

    According to the US state department, a strike on Syria could come "within days" as military assets are "ready to go". Simon Barrow looks at what underlies both the accusations of the use of chemical weapons in Syria, and the current US-driven fervour for another military intervention in the troubled region.

  • 21 Aug 2013

    If there had been a poll at the conversation on 'A Good Society' in Edinburgh recently, there is no doubt that notions such as equality, justice, hospitality, empathy, sharing and neighbourliness would have been at the heart of people's answers. Simon Barrow listens in on a passionate exchange between people of faith and practical concern.

  • 19 Aug 2013

    The issue of what constitutes 'the good', in persons, in relationships and in society is an interesting one. It is far less straightforward than many assume, says Simon Barrow. He highlights the importance of theology, and the Christian doctrine of God in particular, for appreciating how we arrive at 'goodness', and how we develop an ethic based on communal virtue in the church and beyond.