
The Savi Hensman Column

Savi Hensman reflects on religion, society and politics

  • 15 Jul 2019
  • 15 Sep 2015

    Kenneth Leech, theologian, activist and priest, died of cancer on 12 September 2015. Savi Hensman remembers the man and his prophetic and pastoral mission.

  • 2 Jul 2015

    The Episcopal Church's decision to marry same sex couples has given rise to a wide range of reactions. Savitri Hensman examines the divisions among Anglicans, and Christians generally, on sexuality.

  • 5 Apr 2015

    Savi Hensman reflects upon Jesus' encounter with a deeply disturbed and isolated man and poses questions as to its meaning for the church and society of our own time.

  • 2 Mar 2015

    Some Christians believe the Hebrew bible clearly rules out same-sex relationships and emphasises distinct roles based on sex at birth. Savi Hensman suggests this may be interpreted differently and considers how the first chapters of Genesis could be read as recognising and rejoicing in the diversity of living beings.

  • 25 Jan 2015

    The Church of England will shortly be ordaining a woman as bishop for the first time. This has been widely welcomed. But many were baffled to learn of the novel way in which a male bishop will be ordained not long afterwards. Savi Hensman explores the differences, and the underlying issues of church polity in a changing cultural context.

  • 20 Dec 2014

    International controversy has been sparked by debates on sexual ethics and the treatment of minoritites. This is often portrayed as conlict between a ‘liberal’ west and ‘conservative’ south. But the reality is more complicated, says Savi Hensman

  • 3 Nov 2014

    The death of 'Baby P' was followed by a damaing rush to judgement, says Savi Hensman. She considers the response of the Church of England and how it could be part of the wider task of countering violence and cooperating with other people of goodwill to build a more just and peaceful world.

  • 22 Oct 2014

    As the Synod on the Family ends, Savi Hensman examines the greater openness with which the Roman Catholic Church is now debating sexuality.

  • 2 Sep 2014

    Partly as a result of developments in biblical scholarship, many Christians now believe that it can be acceptable to enter a same-sex partnership. Savi Hensman examines differing interpretations of Christ's call: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

  • 8 Jul 2014

    The ‘common good’ and support for current and former soldiers are among the topics to be discussed at the Church of England’s general synod in July 2014. Savi Hensman suggests that the institutional Church of England in its current form may be too heavily compromised by its closeness to the “principalities and powers” to be fully effective in seeking justice and peace. She argues that it will have to face a death of sorts in order to be renewed in Christ.

  • 17 Apr 2014

    The Gospel account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples is widely known among Christians. Some churches re-enact it on Maundy Thursday. Yet it is not always recognised quite how subversive this was, says Savi Hensman

  • 17 Apr 2014
  • 17 Feb 2014

    The tone of the Church of England's House of Bishop's 'Pastoral Guidance on Same Sex Marriage' is cold and legalistic, says Savi Hensman. She argues that it is in contrast to the more welcoming attitude of General Synod and that putting it into practice may prove harder than anticipated.

  • 11 Dec 2013

    Those who promote criminalisation of, or violence against, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people cannot reasonably claim that this is a sign of Christian love, says Savitri Hensman, challenging a Church of England General Synod member's reported comments in Jamaica.