In a move that will be seen by campaigners as a snub to the Church of England's 'Parliament', the Churchís Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) has said it will not recommend disinvestment from the controversial US company Caterpillar
The Commissioners of the Church of England, responsible for over £4 billion of investments, have withdrawn from a controversial £2.5 million house purchase for the next Bishop of Oxford.
The findings of Home Office research into restorative justice projects which bring together victims of crime and offenders, have been welcomed as 'very positive'.
A church-based campaign has picketed a retail chain for charging 'pernicious' prices for consumer goods, from home entertainment systems to kitchen appliances.
A landmark vote by the Church of England to ditch investments in companies fuelling the occupation of Palestine increases commercial risks for companies supplying military equipment to repressive regimes elsewhere, say UK arms trade campaigners.
An alternative Passion this Easter in which pop performers will dramatise the last hours of the life of Christ with the misery-laden lyrics of bands from Oasis to The Smiths, is being produced by the BBC.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is to host the inaugural meeting and formal launch tomorrow of a new Christian-Muslim Forum in the UK.
British chancellor Gordon Brown will today propose that Remembrance Sunday might be developed further into a patriotic national day to celebrate British history, achievements and culture, reports the Guardian newspaper.
The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland has caused controversy among non-Christian faiths by telling them that they needed to realise they live in a Christian country.