The Labour Party's annual conference in Brighton, which wound up yesterday, was overshadowed by media speculation about Chancellor Gordon Brown's possible accession to the leader's throne, and by the badly timed roughing up of 82-year-old anti-war heckler, Walter Wolfgang.
The Anglican Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, a local vicar and John Battle MP are renewing calls for an inquiry into the detention and subsequent suicide of an African asylum seeker - who killed himself so that his son would not be deported.
Britain's Street Pastors scheme, a church based response to crime and gun violence in inner cities across the country, will host to a delegation of Antiguan Government Ministers, Police officials and Church Leaders when they arrive this weekend on a fact finding mission.
As local government, London Mayor Ken Livingstone and even the Metropolitan Police speak out against Europe's largest arms fair, to be held in London's Docklands from 13-16 September, Christians and others are gearing up for a week of protests and events during the fair.
Representatives of Christian Aid, CAFOD (the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) and Tearfund took part in the dramatic launch of a new climate change campaign - Stop Climate Chaos - in central London yesterday.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair today promised tough new steps to exclude and ban preachers or activists who advocate hatred or encourage violence, as part of a range of government security policies aimed at tackling terrorism.
Ekklesia, a UK Christian news agency and policy forum recently rated one of Britain's top think tanks by The Independent newspaper, has announced the arrival of a new co-director to partner Jonathan Bartley, who established it in 2002.
In a shot across the bows of those who feel that religion is being marginalized in broadcasting, most notably those who focus on 'entitlements' to religious slots, the BBC's director general has urged Christians to be more creative and 'subversive' in their broadcasting approaches.