
Fair votes campaign returns to streets of London on Monday

By staff writers
May 9, 2010

Campaigners are set to return to the streets on Monday to urge radical reform of the voting system.

Yesterday, a flashmob protest of over 2000 people demonstrated, demanding a firm line on PR, outside a meeting where Liberal Democrats were in coalition talks.

Saturday’s crowd, adorned in purple, the colour of suffrage were joined by similar protests across the country in places such as Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham.

People watching on TV saw the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, temporarily adjourn talks so that he could address the crowd.

The new Take Back Parliament coalition, which includes Ekklesia, Power2010, 38 Degrees, the Electoral Reform Society and Vote for a Change, is hitting the streets of central London tomorrow at 5:00pm.

Pam Giddy, from Take Back Parliament, said: “Voters have seen through the scare-mongering and returned a hung parliament. We now have an historic opportunity to make 2010 our last stolen election, but that decision rests with the politicians.

“We would remind politicians that this is our democracy and our business. Since Thursday we’ve seen something rare in British politics. Politicians have been forced to sit down and work together, and we intend to make that permanent. With PR, we can call time on the Punch and Judy show, and deliver the politics we actually voted for on May 6th.

“Together the Take Back Parliament campaign is reaching out to millions of people online, and taking the call for justice onto the streets. The people want fair votes, and yesterday’s protest was just the beginning.”


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