Dawkins and Williams discuss human origins
Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams, former Oxford don and outspoken atheist Dr Richard Dawkins and philosopher Professor Anthony Kenny engaged in a public discussion of the origin of human life in Oxford today.
Kenny chaired the dialogue (eagerly promoted in the media as an 'argument') under the title of "The nature of human beings and the question of their ultimate origin" at Oxford University’s Sheldonian Theatre.
It was hosted by the Sofia Europa Group of the Theology Faculty. A live webcast of the discussion was screened today (23 February 2012) at www.archbishopofcanterbury.org from 4.00pm-5.30pm.
The video is due to be available online after the event. For online discussion surrounding the dialogue, it is suggested by the organisers that people use the Twitter hashtag #DawkinsArchbishop
An initial, wry take on the exchange has been offered by BBC journalist Sean Coughlan: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-17140107
* Full details and link here: http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/diary.php/116/dialogue-with-archbi...
* Also on Ekklesia: 'Dawkins provides Christians with a positive opportunity' - http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/16279
* More on Richard Dawkins at Ekklesia: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/dawkins