
Livening up the 'religion debate'

By Press Office
April 21, 2012

Commenting on the impending visit to Britain of feminist religion scholar Professor Naomi Goldenberg, which Ekklesia is part co-sponsoring, the thinktank's co-director, Simon Barrow, said:

"Whether you agree with her or not, Professor Goldenberg is sure to liven and sharpen up the debate about religion and society, introducing fresh ideas and critiques into what can be a tired discussion laden with half-thought out slogans."

"Ekklesia has long argued that the 'Christendom' model, of church and religion aligning with governing authority and the powers-that-be, needs challenging. We do so from within the Christian tradition, highlighting subversive, anti-imperial and anti-patriarchal streams of Christian thought and action, reflected in dissenters going right back to the Jesus movement.

"Professor Goldenberg approaches the issues somewhat differently, and perhaps with more scepticism, but her voice ought to be welcomed by anyone dissatisfied with domineering religion and open to new configurations and possibilities beyond a simplistic religious-secular divide."

* Full details of the visit: http://www.criticalreligion.stir.ac.uk/events/april-2012-naomi-goldenber...

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