
Anglican Peace and Justice Network takes to social media

By staff writers
January 11, 2014

The Anglican Peace and Justice Network (APJN) has launched a new Facebook page entitled ‘Stories of Hope: Anglicans for Peace with Justice’, reports the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS).

“We wanted grassroot Anglicans to be able to communicate with the whole Communion from wherever they are doing the work of Christ-centred peace-building and seeking justice,” said Anglican Peace and Justice Network convenor Delene Mark.

“Their stories of hope will show all of us how faith is being lived out, even in the most challenging and turbulent places in the world. No story is too small or too local to share and to inspire others.”

“Now we invite Anglicans the world over to post their own stories. This will help us to get to know about one another and it will help us to pray for one another,” said Canon Mark of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa.

Church of England Bishop David Rossdale, who has been helping APJN to think through how it can best facilitate communication, agreed.

He said: “We know that transformational Kingdom-building is happening through the daily work for peace with justice in parishes and communities in every Province of the Communion. This Christian witness goes mostly unsung, but each story is a record of an active God who works through us all to achieve God’s purposes. It’s time to share these stories of hope”.

This is the latest Anglican Communion international network or initiative to take advantage of the global networking power of social media.

Thousands of Anglicans and Episcopalians with a passionate concern for caring for the environment are members of the Green Anglicans group on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/GreenAnglicans and Twitter http://twitter.com/greenanglicans

* Anglicans for Peace with Justice Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AnglicansforPwithJ


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