
Fair Pay Fortnight in England and Wales deserves our support

By Press Office
April 1, 2014

Ekklesia is very pleased to be supporting Fair Pay Fortnight, which began on 24 March and runs through to Friday 4 April 2014, with some events over the weekend. It is an initiative of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in Britain.

The organisers declare: "Working people in the UK are seeing their living standards squeezed harder and harder every year. The cost of energy, food and housing is soaring but pay isn’t keeping up.

"On average, workers have lost more than £4,000 since 2009 and many people are trapped in lowpaid and insecure jobs. In March, the TUC is organising Fair Pay Fortnight, a series of events across England and Wales that will raise awareness about Britain’s living standards crisis."

You can take action by signing the Fair Pay petition and joining the Fair Pay Fortnight manifesto campaign online, at local events and on social media. See here: http://act.goingtowork.org.uk/page/s/fairpayfortnightmanifesto

* Fair Pay Fortnight website: http://fairpayfortnight.org

* The Welsh language site is here: http://fairpayfortnight.org/cymraeg/

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