
Ekklesia to crowdfund 'Foxes Have Holes' - a Christian response to the housing crisis

By Press Office
October 8, 2015

Ekklesia is delighted to announce our latest crowdfunding venture: 'Foxes Have Holes' - a Christian response to the housing crisis.

The book which will be edited by Andrew Francis and Trisha Dale, is due to be published in March 2016. It will feature essays by Andrew Francis, the Rt Rev Dr David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, Sean Gardiner, Chris Horton, Helen Roe, Helen Woolley, Raymond Young and Paul Lusk.

We are looking to raise £1,200 to cover the costs of editing, producing, marketing and launch of the book in multiple venues. Please help us in this important new venture which we believe will make a positive contribution to the UK's housing need.

You can find further details of the Indiegogo campaign and how to support it here.



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