
Advent Reflection - 3rd December

By Advent Reflections
December 3, 2015

Advent and Christmas 2015: Room at the Inn


Throughout Advent Ekklesia will be opening a daily ‘window’ onto our Christmas appeal theme – ‘Room at the Inn’: how to make room in our hearts, our churches, our lives and our world for the coming of a different order. We will discover that this can happen in a variety of different ways: welcoming the stranger (the current refugee crisis), combatting stigmatism and prejudice (HIV/AIDS, mental health issues and more), preserving the habitat (global warming and climate change), working for peacemaking and peace-building (the fractured situation throughout the Middle East) and more. Each day we will offer a meditation on a verse of Scripture, and a practical action to accompany prayer and self-examination in what is a penitential – but also profoundly hopeful – season

3 December


“And Simon and those who were with him pursued him, 37 and they found him and said to him, ‘Every one is searching for you’.” (Mark 4. 36)


While we search for Jesus, he is looking out for all those pushed to the margins by cruelty and neglect. And, after Britain launched air strikes against Syria last night, we pray for all of those who caught between our bombs and the brutality of Assad's regime and ISIL.

Action: support the victims of modern day trafficking: http://kahaila.com/charity/ellas-home

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