
New Methodist President and Vice-President elected for 2017/18

By agency reporter
July 11, 2016

The Methodist Conference has elected the Rev Loraine N Mellor to be President and Jill Baker to be Vice-President. Both will start their year of office when the Representative Session of the Methodist Conference meets in Birmingham on 24 June 2017. They will succeed the current President and Vice-President, the Rev Dr Roger Walton and Rachel Lampard.

Loraine Mellor has been a presbyter since 1995 and is Chair of the Nottingham and Derby District. A member of the Church's Strategy and Resources Committee, Loraine is coordinator of the Larger than Circuit group which is considering how the Church can best reflect the missional needs of today's Church.

"I want to encourage and enable the Church to put God back on the agenda in our communities and enthuse people to share the Good News. The Church has reached a tipping point, the time has come for us to take some risks in our mission and in our discipleship in order to help us grow," said Mrs Mellor.

Jill Baker is a local preacher and tutor in the Scotland District, exploring and leading pilgrimages. She enjoys writing and, in the past, spent eight years as a mission partner in the South Caribbean. She was President of Methodist Women in Britain between 2011 and 2013.

"I am thankful to the Methodist family for the prayer and for the support it offers in hard times. I am committed to working locally and connexionally for an inclusive, just, compassionate and creative Church."

The role of President of the Methodist Conference is reserved for presbyters (ministers) and that of Vice-President for lay people or deacons.

* The Methodist Church in Britain http://www.methodist.org.uk/


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