The Refugee Council has published a new analysis of the latest developments in the UK asylum system. The report forms part of the Asylum Information Database; a project coordinated by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles which aims to provide up to date information on asylum practice in 20 countries.
The UK report gives an overview of the asylum procedure and draws together relevant facts and figures relating to refugees and people seeking asylum in Britain.
This year’s report includes more information on what happens after a refugee is granted status; research published in the last year shows that refugees who are moving from the asylum support system continue to experience homelessness and destitution, as no comprehensive move-on support is available across the UK to assist this transition. Reports of increasing delays in initial asylum decision making were supported by the published statistics as well as a report by the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration.
Refugee Council Chief Executive Maurice Wren said, "This report shines a light on the UK asylum process and it doesn’t make for comfortable reading. Despite some policy improvements over the last year, the asylum system continues to be dogged with delays and far too many initial decisions are overturned on appeal. For those granted refugee protection, being prevented from being reunited with their loved ones continues to impede their integration.
Despite a growing body of evidence pointing to the harm caused by detention, the UK continues to make arbitrary deprivation of liberty a mainstay of its asylum and immigration policy.
Though the UK clearly remains committed to providing protection here for people fleeing persecution and harm, given the relatively low numbers of applicants we could and should be leading the way in deciding protection claims in a timely manner and treating all those in the process with dignity and compassion.
We are very proud to contribute to the Asylum Information Database which gives an extremely comprehensive picture of the state of refugee protection across Europe”.
* Read the report on the UK asylum system here
* The Asylum Information Database is here
* Refugee Council