
Next Methodist Youth President announced

By agency reporter
December 4, 2018

Thelma Commey has been announced as the next Methodist Youth President. She was elected at this year’s 3Generate event, the annual Methodist Children and Youth Assembly, held in Southport over the weekend 23-25 November. Thelma will serve from September 2019 to September 2020.

Commey, from Milton Keynes, is 18 years old and attends Queensway Methodist Church in Bletchley.  She decided to stand for Youth President to help spread the Good News and encourage other young people to become involved in the life of the Church.

 She said: “I decided to stand for Youth President because I am passionate about the work of God and would love to encourage young people to get involved. My campaign, entitled ‘Jesus Loves All’, focused on presenting Jesus Christ as a saviour, through the talents of young people.

 “I would like to thank the young people of the Methodist Church for voting for me and tell them that God loves them so much, as do I. I honestly feel so blessed and I am very grateful for this opportunity. I pray that God will guide me throughout the year to be the best I can be at this role.”

The current Youth President, Jasmine Yeboah, congratulated Thelma Commey on her election, commenting: “I have really enjoyed my year in office so far. Being Youth President is hard work but offers lots of opportunities. I pray for Thelma to have every success in her preparations.”

Thelma Commey will commence her role after an induction service in September 2019.

* Methodist Church https://www.methodist.org.uk/


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