
Pakistan schedules execution for mentally ill former police officer

By agency reporter
January 12, 2019

Following an order issued yesterday (11 January 2019) by Pakistani authorities, Khizar Hiyat, a former police officer who suffers from severe schizophrenia, is set to be executed  in 72 hours. 

Khizar's severe paranoid schizophrenia is recognised by unanimous agreement of a court sanctioned medical board in Pakistan. Following an order by authorities at Central Jail, Lahore, Khizar is now set to be executed this Tuesday (15 January).

Until his arrest, Khizar worked as a police officer in the village where he lived with his wife and children. Sentenced to death in 2003 over a shooting, he has spent nearly 14 years on death row at Lahore’s notorious Kot Lakhpat jail.

Pakistan is prohibited from executing mentally ill prisoners under both domestic and international law. 

Maya Foa, Deputy Director of Reprieve, said: "Khizar Hayat is severely mentally ill and his execution would represent a grave injustice and an egregious breach of Pakistan’s international obligations.”

* Reprieve https://reprieve.org.uk/


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