The leaders of the Baptist, Methodist, amd United Reformed Churches have released the following statement on a 'No Deal' Brexit:
As Church leaders, we have chosen not to make political statements around Brexit. Members of the Churches we represent have in good conscience come to different conclusions; some voted remain and others voted to leave.
At present the risks that flow from an unplanned 'No Deal' Brexit endanger the poorest families in our nation and therefore we feel compelled to speak up.
As Christians we are called to demand justice for the millions locked in poverty. A No Deal Brexit risks tightening poverty’s grip on families up and down the country.
Over the past decade, our Churches have witnessed and responded to the slowly rising tide of hunger in the UK. A No Deal Brexit risks restricting the nation's supply of food and increasing prices. This, alongside further cuts to benefits on Monday 8 April, could have grave consequences for many in our communities.
Many charities are warning us that food supplies to the most vulnerable are most at risk: hospitals, prisons and those reliant on surplus or donated food. Supplies of essential medicines are likely to be disrupted. Again the most vulnerable will be the least able to cope with this.
We urge that all possible efforts continue to be made to avoid an unplanned No Deal Brexit given the consequences for the most vulnerable in our society. Should the decision, or indecision, of political leaders, together with a lack of preparation, expose the poorest to these risks, it will be the responsibility of Government to ensure these families are protected.
We continue to pray for our politicians and for all who are experiencing poverty.
The Rev Lynn Green, General Secretary, Baptists Together
The Rev Michaela Youngson, President of the Methodist Conference
Mr Bala Gnanapragasam, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference
Mr Derek Estill, Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church
The Rev Nigel Uden, Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church
* Methodist Church