Trust for London is funding a new Commission which aims to produce a White Paper setting out a better way of delivering Social Security in the UK.
The Commission on Social Security led by Experts by Experience is a ground-breaking new project which aims to find out how the government could make the welfare benefits system better.
The project is user led and all the people on the panel (the Commissioners) are people who are on or have been on benefits. They come from a range of user led organisations speaking up for people on benefits, and Deaf and Disabled people. The Co-Chairs of the Commission are Ellen Clifford (Inclusion London and Disabled People Against Cuts) and Nick Phillips (London Unemployed Strategies).
The Commissioners will be in charge of the work produced by the team supporting the project: Dr Michael Orton, University of Warwick, Dr Kate Summers, London School of Economics, Dr Rosa Morris who is an expert on disability benefits plus Austin Taylor-Laybourn from Trust for London.
Commenting, Co-chair Nick Phillips of London Unemployed Strategies said: "The Commission is a great breakthrough for claimants' rights to have a say in the shaping of a benefits system that affects their lives profoundly. We would like as many of those affected as possible to contribute to our Call for Solutions. This is their opportunity to have a voice and make a difference."
Bharat Mehta, Chief Executive of Trust for London said: “We’re incredibly excited to be supporting this pioneering project which puts people with experience of the benefits system at the heart of redesigning it.
“The system we currently have is not working for far too many people. This project aims to create a consensus around what a new system that works for our society and the individuals in it, would look like."
* The Commission has launched a Call for Solutions. Ideas and suggestions on Universal Credit, sickness and disability benefits, or any other aspect of the social security system can be submitted here until 31 July 2019.
* Trust for London
* Inclusion London