
USA's decision to reinstate federal executions 'outrageous'

By agency reporter
July 27, 2019

The US government has announced it plans to resume federal executions for the first time since 2003. Five people have been identified as the first to be subject to this new lethal injection protocol.

Margaret Huang, Amnesty International USA’s Executive Director, said: “The Trump administration’s decision to restart federal executions after a 16-year hiatus is outrageous. It is the latest indication of this administration’s disdain for human rights.

“The death penalty is the ultimate cruel and inhuman punishment. It is a system flawed beyond repair and the federal government should not proceed with any executions.

“The use of the death penalty is out of step with both national and international trends - 21 states in the USA, and over half the countries around the world have already determined the death penalty disrespects human rights and has no place in their laws.

“Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all circumstances and will continue to fight to end this inhuman practice.”

* Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org.uk/


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