Green Christian is celebrating Creation Time (1 September - 4 October) with two regional day conferences in Manchester and Stroud, organised in co-operation with local church members, on 14 and 28 September 2019 respectively.
The 'Green Christian on The Road Together' days include interactive workshops exploring the spiritual disciplines of Green Christian Way of Life, and also Joy in Enough, a campaign for a new kind of economics, presenting a vision for a society dedicated to human flourishing and the common good, rather than the constant pursuit of more.
Further activities include a workshop exploring nonviolent direct action with Extinction Rebellion in Manchester, and a walk and a discussion with Christian Climate Action in Stroud. The days include time for lunch and time for worship, plus an opportunity to discuss 'Where next?'
People of all denominations and none are invited to attend.
Deborah Tomkins, Co-Chair of Green Christian, said: "I am very much looking forward to meeting with environmentally concerned Christians in Manchester and Stroud during Creation Time, and hearing from them how Green Christian can help resource them and their churches as they seek to live out their calling to care for Creation. We have held several of these 'On The Road Together' day conferences in the last two years, and we look forward to holding more in the future."
The event in Stroud will be held at Immaculate Conception Church Hall, Beeches Green, and in Manchester at the Dandelion Community, Woodhouse Park, Wythenshawe. The events are free though donations on the day are appreciated.
* More information and booking for Manchester here
* More information and booking for Stroud here
* Green Christian