Following the result of the UK General Election last week returning Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, the Muslim Council of Britain has issued this statement:
We understand some Muslims across the UK are growing increasingly concerned about their safety and their future in the UK.
The Muslim Council of Britain fully appreciates and shares the concerns of British Muslims about the negative impact the current Conservative Government may have on Muslims and Muslim communities. As is widely documented, the Conservative Party has an immense problem with Islamophobia which has been highlighted many times, yet it refuses to take meaningful action.
However as Britons and citizens, we fundamentally believe that now more than ever, the UK needs Muslim communities to continue to be an integral part of British society, to continue to participate in public life, and to fully contribute to the plurality of views and ideas that make the UK the diverse society it is.
This is not to say that Muslim communities do not have a huge challenge on their hands. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to redouble our efforts to bring our communities together. We can only do this by first understanding the feeling amongst Muslim communities towards the new government, and the key priorities for our communities. In the new year, the MCB will seek to better understand the needs of its affiliates and wider British Muslim communities, to agree on how the MCB can best work for its members.
The Muslim Council of Britain was integral in amplifying the voices and concerns of Muslim communities throughout this election, and bringing the issue of Islamophobia in public life onto the agenda. The MCB will continue to work for its affiliates and British Muslim communities to help to create a safe and prosperous space for Muslims in the UK.
* The Muslim Council of Britain