
Quakers call for spending on green and just recovery

By agency reporter
September 26, 2020

Quakers in Britain have set out their priorities in a submission to the government's Comprehensive Spending Review in six areas: climate change, criminal justice, defence, education, immigration and charities.

Led by their commitment to equality and sustainability, Quakers are calling for spending on a green and just recovery from COVID-19.

There is clearly a need for urgent action to tackle the climate crisis. Quakers believe the transition to zero carbon will be more effective if it prioritises the most marginalised in society.

Quakers consider inequalities and climate change as the greatest threats to human security. They are calling on the government to fund peace-making and peace-building in the UK and abroad. The submission also emphasises the cost-ineffective nature of the current, punitive criminal justice and immigration systems

The submission from Quakers in Britain says, “Many of the measures that need to be taken have not changed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the need to avert future crises, the likelihood of high unemployment, the hardship suffered by many during the pandemic, and the public support for a green recovery, have combined to create a real imperative for action. We must not miss this moment."

Paul Parker, Recording Clerk of Quakers in Britain said: “Our submission reflects our belief that government spending should focus on creating a greener and fairer society. There is a growing movement for 'build back better' and we hope the government will use this opportunity to bring about meaningful change."

Canon Giles Goddard, Chair, Faith for the Climate said: “As a multifaith national network, Faith for the Climate supports these priorities, which integrate the urgent need for climate action with concerns for equality and justice."

Richard Reeves, Coordinator, Rethinking Security said: "This representation to the CSR rightly identifies tackling the climate emergency as the primary objective of responsible government investment, and one that is vital to delivering a more just, sustainable and secure UK and world."

* Read the full submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review  here

* Faith for the Climate https://faithfortheclimate.org.uk/

* Rethinking Security https://rethinkingsecurity.org.uk/

*  Quakers are known formally as the Religious Society of Friends. Around 23,000 people attend 478 Quaker meetings in Britain. Their commitment to equality, justice, peace, simplicity and truth challenges them to seek positive social and legislative change.

* Quakers in Britain https://www.quaker.org.uk/


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