
Disestablishment would make the Church more Christian

By Press Office
October 22, 2008

Following the comments by immigration Phil Woolas, and a supportive editorial in the Times newspaper, about disestablishment of the Church of England, Jonathan Bartley, Ekklesia's co-director said: "Disestablishment is long overdue, and it would be better for it to occur sooner, rather than later. The Times is right to say that disestablishment would make the Church more Christian. The established status of the church contradicts ideas of equality, fairness and justice which Christianity is supposed to stand for. It also gives it special privileges over other Christian denominations, other religions and those of no religious belief."

"Moreover, with the Prime Minister giving up his powers in the appointment of bishops, the Church is left in the bizarre position of being an unaccountable institution which can effectively appoint its own candidates to the second chamber of Parliament. This is not only unjust, but profoundly undemocratic."

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