Research papers in the category People and Power.
June 4, 2009
Since 2002, Ekklesia has been arguing that a key element of political and democratic renewal in Britain hinges on the encouragement of independent, citizen-based and associational politics as a counter-weight to the hegemony of top-down party...
May 31, 2009
The Equality Bill 2008-2009, which will extend both to England and Wales, and to Scotland, covers age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation...
May 22, 2009
A survey commissioned by Ekklesia, and carried out my ComRes at the height of the MP's expenses scandal to ascertain attitudes and opinions regarding the role of independent candidates and MPs and under what conditions the public would vote for...
February 1, 2009
Many faith communities are officially committed to human rights for all. Yet in practice, some of their leaders may be strongly opposed. Since 1948 Christians have played a significant role in extending personal and societal respect for human...
October 20, 2008
A paper summarising some recent interventions from faith bodies on the debate about economy, globally and locally. It also highlights the historic links between Christian thought/action and oikonomia (the management of the household),...