

Below is a list of research papers, reports and other publications from Ekklesia dating back to 2004. Click on the title for more information on each publication, and a link through to the item itself where available. You might also like to sign up for our award winning weekly research bulletin which will ensure you are kept up-to-date with the very latest research from Ekklesia.

Research papers in the category People and Power.

  • July 24, 2006

    A report addressing why religion is not and never will be ‘a purely private matter’; why the answer to ‘toxic faith’ is not ‘less religious religion’ but a renewal of its resources for faithfulness; why post-Christendom requires non-ideological...

  • June 14, 2006

    This book examines the changing relationship between faith and politics. For the best part of 1700 years, the institutional church has enjoyed a...