Leon Briggs, a black man experiencing a mental health crisis, died following restraint by Bedfordshire police officers.
A Consultant Psychiatrist concluded that there was likely to have been a causal link between the DWP failings and Jodey Whiting’s state of mind immediately before her death.
The coroner refused to permit the jury to considerthat neglect contributed to Joanna Bailey's death.
To reduce ongoing harm we need to dramatically reduce the prison population, says INQUEST.
Kevin Clarke died following restraint by Metropolitan Police officers in Lewisham, South London, on 9 March 2018.
Every five days a person in prison takes their own life and self harm continues to be at record levels.
The government must show political courage and rapidly reduce the prison population to save lives, says INQUEST.
Bereaved families struggle to access minimal legal aid for inquests while prisons automatically receive millions in public funding.
A report by an Independent Case Examiner concluded that the DWP had made multiple significant errors in how it treated Jodey Whiting.
The latest statistics show a total of 276 deaths during or following police contact in England and Wales.
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The College of Policing has provided training for at least 12 countries that are listed as 'human rights priority countries' by the Foreign and...
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