Is there real potential for visible unity among today's churches, or are cultural and dogmatic differences too great to be overcome? Theodore Gill takes the temperature at a major global gathering looking at these concerns.
Christians have moved from non-engagement to engagement in politics, says Simon Barrow, but often in domineering and selfish ways. To argue for church as alternative community is not to advocate either 'secularism' or 'religionism', but the recovery of authentic Christianity in a plural environment.
The domineering and partisan politics of the US religious right was a serious Christian mistake, says Jim Wallis. To be faithful to the Gospel, Christians need to engage publicly and politically from the vulnerable space that Jesus made his own.
Britain is not a secular country but a mixed belief society “uncomfortably haunted by the memory of religion” in terms of its Christian past, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has said.
A new BBC backed poll suggests a majority of people in Britain believe religion should be respected and valued in public life - but other research also says they oppose domineering religion.
The first of four major conferences looking into issues regarding equality, human rights and ‘religion or belief’ will take place in London on Monday 10 November, involving a range of senior figures in the field.
Author and evangelical thinker Brian McLaren wants to shift the argument within Christianity away from "culture wars" and towards a rediscovery of the Gosple message free of the overbearing impact of Christendom culture.