Young people's rights are at risk through unlawful blanket bans on visits, the suspension of routine inspections, increased use of restraint and solitary confinement, and the vulnerability of those in detention to infection with COVID-19.
Inspectors find that despite repeated recommendations, some standards of common decency were not met, such as allowing detainees to go to the toilet in private.
The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a new report showing too many children are being admitted to secure hospitals unnecessarily. It warns that the current system of support for those with learning disabilities or autism is letting down some of the most vulnerable children in the country.
The inquest into the death of Edson Da Costa, following restraint by the Metropolitan Police, will open on Tuesday 7 May 2109, and is expected to continue to 4 June 2019.
The use of pain inducing techniques and solitary confinement of children in detention must be banned, says a new report by the UK Parliament’s Human Rights Committee.
Sean Rigg, suffering from mental ill health, died of a cardiac arrest following restraint deemed ‘unnecessary’ and ‘unsuitable’ by an inquest jury in in 2012.