The gevernment's decision to allow the building of a third runway at Heathrow Airport is unlawful, say campaigners, as it fails to address the UK’s climate change obligations.
Christian Aid has praised the prophetic vision of the Church of England’s General Synod after it voted to sell its holdings in fossil fuel companies by 2023 if they have not aligned their business plans with the targets of the Paris Agreement.
The Climate Change Committee says unless action is taken now, the public faces an unnecessarily expensive deal to make the shift to a low-carbon economy.
Church of England representative calls on BP to take increased responsibility for the carbon intensity of the full life cycle of their energy, including ‘Scope 3’ emissions.
The Lutheran World Federation has issued a statement calling governments to work towards “an ambitious rulebook” for the implementation of the Paris Climate agreement, and to churches and civil society actors to hold their governments accountable towards that goal.
A new report by development charity Christian Aid has revealed that the Commonwealth’s richer nations are shirking their responsibilities in the global effort to tackle climate change, while the bloc’s poorer members are picking up the slack.