As nations mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, history’s most successful international agreement on the environment now turns its focus on helping to deliver the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.
This week's global gathering on climate change brings politicians and activists to Bonn, Germany. The 23rd annual conference of the parties (COP) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) aims to prevent dangerous global warming. Quakers in Britain have signed statements urging the conference to take urgent action.
Christian Aid has responded to a joint announcement from the United Kingdom and Canada that they will work to build a global alliance on the transition from unabated coal-fired electricity to cleaner energy.
Having seen first-hand the destruction wrought by the recent hurricanes in the Caribbean, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for the full mobilisation of the international community to support the people of the affected areas, while emphasising the need to accelerate climate action.
Leaders from Pacific island nations addressing the United Nations General Assembly have urged Governments to implement the Paris Agreement, and contribute to fighting climate change and supporting sustainable development efforts.
Last year a Christian Aid report showed that Miami tops the list of most vulnerable cities to climate change induced coastal flooding. Hurricane Irma has shown President Trump’s reckless attitude to climate change to be folly, says the organisation.
The world is navigating away from fossil fuels and sailing towards a clean, sustainable energy future, despite Donald Trump’s attempts to sabotage global efforts to tackle climate change, said Christian Aid at the close of the G20 summit.
As the big economies gather in Hamburg for the first G20 meeting since Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Christian Aid has called on leaders to show the US President that he has relegated himself to the side-lines of climate change negotiations.
Greenpeace International says President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change will cost the US its global leadership position