The UK was once regarded as world-leading in forensic science but is now lagging behind others, says the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee.
The British Medical Association is calling for urgent action to address the impact of charging rules for overseas patients, on both NHS staff and the patients themselves.
The video of British soldiers using a picture of Jeremy Corbyn as a target was disturbing, but hardly surprising, given the extreme and distorted way he is portrayed by political opponents and much
The lower courts were wrong to override the conclusions of a medical expert when considering forensic evidence of torture in an asylum claim, the Supreme Court has ruled.
Following the Brexit Secretary’s revelation that he is just getting to grips with the implications of Britain being an island, we probably should not be disappointed or surprised by anything from t
The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry into the social care system in England, and invites written contributions to its investigation.
A cross-party group of more than one hundred MPs and Peers has filed a legal brief in support of Kris Maharaj, a British citizen who has spent more than thirty years in prison in Florida for two murders he did not commit, despite compelling evidence of his innocence.
The Electoral Reform Society has published the first extensive analysis of the voter ID trials taking place in five areas next week. It sets out the details of the trials and the dangers the scheme poses to a free and fair ballot.