Successful integration and inclusion is an essential part of a well-managed and effective migration and asylum policy, and essential for social cohesion and for a dynamic economy that works for all, says the European Commission.
The problem is particularly acute among agency workers and those on the minimum wage, where around one in 10 workers are not getting the pensions to which they are entitled.
Over the last decade, young people starting out in the labour market have increasingly been working in relatively low-paid occupations, many of which are in sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis.
The Committee will examine whether the policy assumptions reflected in the design of Universal Credit are appropriate for different groups of claimants.
Raising the pay of those at the bottom of the labour market and encouraging greater worker representation will boost UK productivity, new research suggests.
Around one in twenty workers report not receiving any holiday entitlement, while around one in ten do not receive a payslip, according to new analysis published by the Resolution Foundation.