The examples shared are an insult to the dignity of people who rely on this support, says Dr Max Davie of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
An announced increase in council funding is reliant on rising Council Tax, and still amounts to a real-terms cut when population growth is taken into account, says the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Tens of thousands of people are turning to social services for urgent help because of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on families and individuals with support needs, who are unable to cope any further on their own, or whose usual arrangements have broken down.
Some councils face a choice between leaving people sleeping rough or bringing them into accommodation such as night shelters which risks spreading the virus and should only be used as a last resort.
An algorithm designed by government to set how many new homes need to be built in local areas will lead to a housing boom in the south while swathes of the north will see fewer homes built, councils warn.
Local economies in England risk missing out on more than £1 billion in emergency COVID-19 funding if the Government goes ahead with plans to close business support schemes this month, new analysis by the Local Government Association shows.
In a new report, the Ombudsman examines the lessons that councils can learn from cases it investigated under the Homelessness Reduction Act, introduced in 2018.