Plans for a scheme to replace EU funding after Brexit are yet to be published, with ongoing uncertainty preventing local areas from securing vital investment into their local economies, councils say.
Social services are seeing more than 560 cases of children with mental health disorders every day – an increase of more than 50 per cent in just four years.
Schools which remain with their council are more likely to keep a good or outstanding Ofsted rating than those which become an academy, a new report by the Local Government Association reveals.
Frank Field says the ongoing administrative failures of Universal Credit are biting into incomes already cut, frozen, sanctioned and capped to below basic living costs.
Rising disability among working-age adults and a growth in the number of people over 65 is putting rising pressure on the adult social care system in England, with more people requesting care but fewer people receiving it.
The Government's proposal does not address the unaffordability of housing which is a key reason why many families lose their tenancy and become homeless.