A survey shows that the overwhelming majority of MPs agree that funding for adult social care should increase.
The number of children and young people being treated for Type 2 diabetes has risen by around 40 per cent in four years to more than 700 cases
The Local Government Association says government must allow councils to borrow to build once more.
The Local Government Association is warning that current and future shortages in skilled staff risks bringing the UK's booming tourism industry to a halt.
New analysis reveals more failing schools are turned around by councils than by academy chains.
There is growing political and public consensus that councils should be given more funding to pay for adult social care, says LGA.
Councils across the UK are now unable to meet the needs of local communities and in some cases are putting the public at risk, says UNISON.
A third of councils have seen care providers close or cease to trade in the last six months.
Over one million households in need of a social home are stuck on long waiting lists.
LGA says theJoseph Rowntree Foundation report on destitution shows the pressures faced by low-income households across the UK.
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The College of Policing has provided training for at least 12 countries that are listed as 'human rights priority countries' by the Foreign and...
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