Practical collaboration between Lutherans and Catholics is vital because it represents the visible consequence of ecumenical theological endeavours, says the head of the Lutheran World Federation World Service department.
The Lutheran World Federation has welcomed a recent resolution by the German Catholic bishops' conference to make it possible for Catholic-Lutheran married couples to receive the Eucharist together.
Half a million Catholics have joined street protests over attempts to stop a parish holding services in the grounds of a church bombed in the Vietnam war and confiscated by the government.
New technology has always played a part in religious polemics and in the sense of identity generated through the heated exchange of opinion, says Adam Darlage. Consider Luther and the Catholics, and also what we see happening in cyberspace today.
Christians across the USA have been marking National Migration Week, 6-12 January 2008, sponsored by Migration and Refugee Services of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, around the theme 'From Many, One Family of God'.
Face to face with violence and death, churches in the Philippines are helping to build peace in a country where armed conflict continues to rage, says Maurice Melanes. Christian-Muslim cooperation is an important part of the alternative agenda.
After two churches banned yoga classes, causing comment and puzzlement in the United Kingdom, a Catholic priest and school principal in India has declared that British clergy who describe yoga as a “sham,” a “false philosophy” and “un-Christian” are uninformed about the practice.