Missionaries targeting uncontacted tribes in Brazil have announced that they will shortly start using a helicopter to convert previously unreachable tribes.
Mosques, churches and Christian groups are working together to sponsor a Syrian refugee family who arrive to start their new life in the UK today. (26 June 2019)
The Joint Public Issues Team of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church has published a resource to encourage church members to engage with the coming European elections.
Green Christian is asking anyone who has access to their church's national decision-making process to propose a Declaration of Climate Emergency through their church's governance structures.
The international Anglican Communion has expressed widespread concern about the upcoming 'National Service of Thanksgiving' for nuclear weapons, which is being held at Westminster Abbey on Friday 3 May 2019.
Occasionally, amongst all the information we read, something leaps out at us and seems especially meaningful. It can be a whole article, or just a phrase or a sentence.